O fy enaid nac anghofia

1,2,3,4,5;  1,3.
O fy enaid nac anghofia,
  Ymdrech Iesu yn yr ardd;
Ei riddfanau ef a'i boenau,
  Wrth glirio'n llwyr ei gyfraith hardd:
Iesu yw'r Iawn, daliad llawn,
A ddioddefodd un prydnawn.

Wele'r gronyn gwenith nefol,
  Wedi syrthio i'r ddaear lawr;
Gan iddo farw ni bydd unig,
  Ei ffrwyth a fydd
      fel gwlith y wawr;
Cair gweled fry, aneirif lu,
O ffrwyth marwolaeth Iesu cu.

Wele'n chwysu'r dafnau gwaedlyd,
  Ar noswaith rewlyd yn yr ardd;
Iesu siriol, Rhosyn Saron,
  O hwn bendithion pawb a dardd;
Ein haberth yw, a'n bara byw,
Dioddefodd dân digofaint Duw.

Dod gyfiawnder y Messïah,
  I dd'od am danaf i'th wydd di;
A chyfiawnder egwyddorol,
  Anial fywiol ynof fi;
O na bawn, yn llestr llawn,
O bob rhyw nefol ddwyfol ddawn.

Dy air sy ddigon i fy arwain,
  Trwy'r anialwch maith ymlaen,
Mae fe'n golofn oleu eglur,
  Weithiau o niwl,
      ac weithiau o dân,
Llusern yw, oleu wiw,
I oleuo'n deg holl deulu Duw.
Wele'n chwysu :: Gwel e'n chwysu
Ein haberth yw, a'n bara byw :: Ein Bara byw, a'n Haberth yw

Pigion o Hymnau &c. 1808

[Mesur: 8787337]

  Dy air sy(dd) ddigon i fy arwain
  Mae cyflawnder maith o haeddiant
  Wele'n chwysu'r dafnau gwaedlyd

O my soul do not forget,
  The struggle of Jesus in the garden;
His groans and his pains,
  By clearing completely his beautiful law:
Jesus is the Satisfaction, a full payment,
Who suffered one afternoon.

See the grain of heavenly wheat,
  Having fallen into the earth below;
By its dying it shall not be alone,
  Its fruit shall be
      like the dew of the dawn;
To be seen above is an innumerable host,
Of the fruit of the death of dear Jesus.

See sweating the bloody drops,
  On an icy evening in the garden;
Cheerful Jesus, the Rose of Sharon,
  From him every blessing issues;
Our sacrifice he is, and our living bread,
He suffered the fire of the wrath of God.

Come the righteousness of the Messiah,
  To come to bring me to thy face;
And the elemental righteousness, 
  A lively desert in me;
O that I may be, a full vessel,
O every kind of heavenly, divine gift.

Thy word is enough to lead me,
  Through the vast desert onwards,
It is a column of clear light,
  Sometimes of cloud,
      and sometimes of fire,
A lantern it is, a worthy light,
To light fairly all the family of God.
Our sacrifice he is, and our living bread :: Our living bread, and our Sacrifice he is

tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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